The Easy Path to Medicare
When you’re enrolling in Medicare, there is a lot of new information to uncover. Our goal is to help limit any confusion and give you information to fit your specific situation.
My Medicare Timeline
Get personalized information detailing the next steps you should be thinking about as you get closer to your Medicare eligibility date. From your health care choices to financial and lifestyle plans — be sure the right topics are top of mind.
My Medicare Timeline
Get personalized information detailing the next steps you should be thinking about as you get closer to your planned retirement date. From your health care choices to financial and lifestyle plans — be sure the right topics are top of mind.
Please provide us with the date you’ll turn 65. Why do we ask for this?
or Continue without entering date
We do not share or store your personal information. The information you provide is for the sole purpose of giving you the best experience.
A Doctor, Specialist or Hospital
A Dental Provider
A Vision Provider
PPO Prescription Drug
HMO Prescription Drug
D-SNP (HMO) Prescription Drug
Virginia Select (HMO) Prescription Drug
A Pharmacy
Out-of-network/non-contracted providers are under no obligation to treat Johns Hopkins Advantage MD members, except in emergency situations. Please call our customer service number or see your Evidence of Coverage for more information, including the cost-sharing that applies to out-of-network services.

Find doctors, hospitals, prescription drugs, and pharmacies within the Advantage MD network.
Please note: the information in this section does not apply to Advantage MD Group.