Johns Hopkins Medicine Medicare Plan
Learn about Advantage MD in your neighborhood
Johns Hopkins Advantage MD sales agents deliver educational seminars throughout Maryland and in parts of Virginia. These seminars are designed to teach about Medicare and our Advantage MD plan options, and allow for you to ask our agents questions or enroll on the spot.
Sign up for an in-person seminar.
Enter your zip code and click “Find a Seminar” to find a time that works for you to learn about Advantage MD via our seminars. You will also have the opportunity to provide your contact information if you would like a Johns Hopkins Advantage MD sales representative to reach out to you with more information. Once you select the location you wish to attend, click “Submit” to reserve your spot. We look forward to meeting you and helping you find the right coverage for you.
After you have signed up, you will receive an email from the agent to access with more information.
For accommodations of persons with special needs at sales meetings, call 1-833-318-5295 (TTY: 711).
Schedule an Advantage MD Virtual Seminar
To set up your virtual seminar and get the information you need, call us at 888-403-7682 (TTY: 711)† or Request a Call. Our experienced agents will guide you. We’re here to help you explore Advantage MD, so don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule your virtual seminar today!
What you need to participate in the seminar:
- Join the seminar through your computer: you can access the seminar through your browser and download the Zoom application.
- Join the seminar through your smartphone: you will need to have the application installed on your phone. Download the app.
- You are not required to have an account with ZOOM to join the seminar.
- Test your computer or device audio before the day of the seminar.
Ready to enroll?
Choose from three enrollment options, with step-by-step instructions provided to guide you.