This month, take charge of your health. Key screenings can keep you in control, give you peace of mind, and find problems early enough to treat. Talk with your doctor about your risk factors and the screening schedule that works for you.
- Don’t have a doctor right now? Use our provider directory to find a primary care provider close to you in our network. Click “Doctors and Facilities,” and choose “Primary Care” under “Service Type.”
- Haven’t seen your doctor in a while? Schedule your annual wellness visit for 2021. Use our checklist to get the full value of this no-cost service.
- Stay on top of the preventive screenings you need.
- Colorectal cancer screening: Ask your doctor when to start screening and which type of test is right for you.
- A1c test: Those with diabetes need this blood test at least twice a year.
- Diabetes eye exam: Those with diabetes need a dilated eye exam once a year.
- Kidney disease screening: Those with diabetes need this at least once a year.
- Blood pressure screening: Lifestyle habits can control blood pressure – learn how.
- Make sure you are up-to-date on your vaccines, including Shingles and COVID-19.
- Take care of your own wellbeing. Do what brings you joy – read a favorite book, get a bird feeder, take walks, play your favorite music, and balance treats with a healthy diet.